
DreamStar Institute


Next cohorts begin March 2024.

Dear Dreamer and Dreamworker,

As the Principal Trainer for DreamStar Institute and the primary guide through this course, Mastering the FiveStar Method-Level 1, I want to extend a personal invitation to you to join us in the DreamStar Community through learning this effective and empowering approach to dream analysis.

Please take a moment to view the video above, which extends this invitation.

If you have questions about this course, please feel free to reach out to me at my DSI email: kim@dreamstarinstitute.com.

I also encourage you to check out our Instagram account (www.instagram.com/dreamstarinstitute) and to join the DreamStar Community. (www.dreamstar.community)

I look forward to connecting with you as we all learn, heal and grow through co-creative dreamwork.

Warmest Regards, Kim+

Kim T. Phetteplace, MA, RSMT/E

DreamStar Institute - Principal Trainer

DSI Certified Dreamwork Practitioner

Certified Expressive/Somatic Therapist

Certified Holistic Life Coach

14 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • 4 hours On-demand Video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Certificate of Completion

  • Community Forum

  • Mentored Support